Prof. Sachs: "Change will not come from the US. It needs to come from Europe"
Belgium should promote its federal system for Ukraine and for Palestine/Israel
JFK, Nord Stream, Ukraine War & China
What JFK tried to do before his assassination
Ukraine War History - Why it was a Predictable Bloodbath
Time to Talk: Jeffrey Sachs calls upon EU leaders to push back against foolish US war policies
The Origins of War in Ukraine, NATO Enlargement, US-China relations, and the Decline of US Dominance
US Neocons Are Warmongering Around The World To Dominate The Globe
Herr Professor Sachs, verbreiten Sie russische Propaganda?
USA riskieren Armageddon
Jeffrey Sachs on China
State of Play: Geopolitics, US Foreign Policy, and NATO Enlargement - with Jeffrey Sachs
New York Times LYING to readers about Nordstream, Ukraine
Jeffrey Sachs: Bipartisan Support of War, from Iraq to Ukraine, Is Helping Fuel U.S. Debt Crisis
The Unspoken Word in the Debt Crisis: Pentagon!
Orbán Viktor az egyetlen európai vezető, aki reálisan látja az ukrajnai helyzetet
Jeffrey Sachs on China’s “Historic” Push for Multipolar World to End U.S. Domination
Temelj za mir mora biti, da bosta obe strani odšli domov