NATO, Ukraine, and Israel with Judge Napolitano
Is this the end of large-scale support for the war in Ukraine?
Jeffrey Sachs: USA wants to expand its military imperium. They want NATO to be wherever they want it.
Ez mégis milyen Kína-politika? – amerikai professzor a Kossuth Rádiónak
We need a multipolar world | Wir brauchen eine multipolare Welt
The Origins of War in Ukraine, NATO Enlargement, US-China relations, and the Decline of US Dominance
How Does the Bloated Military Budget Drive the Debt Crisis?
Herr Professor Sachs, verbreiten Sie russische Propaganda?
Security guarantees w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live)
State of Play: Geopolitics, US Foreign Policy, and NATO Enlargement - with Jeffrey Sachs
Orbán Viktor az egyetlen európai vezető, aki reálisan látja az ukrajnai helyzetet
“Meloni non fa gli interessi dell’Italia, meglio Berlusconi sulla guerra in Ucraina”. L’attacco dell’economista Jeffrey Sachs. “Appiattita su Usa e Nato”
Джеффри Сакс: США должны согласиться на нейтралитет Украины и остановить расширение НАТО
NATO's bigger remit brings rising dangers
Nato lar seg bruke i USAs rivalisering med Kina, sier økonom Jeffrey Sachs til Klassekampen: ADVARER MOT Å HOPPE ETTER USA