Jeffrey D. Sachs

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Ceremonial Address: Alexander Rüstow Award for the Advancement of a Humane Economy

The Alliance for the Social Market Economy is honored to present Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs the Alexander Rüstow Award for his Advancement of a Humane Economy. Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs is Professor of Economics and the Director of the Center of Sustainable Development at Columbia University. Professor Sachs’ research interests and his approach to studying problems makes him an ideal representative of the Social Market Economy – of never losing sight of which goals, and whom, the economy must serve. As a scholar who does not merely focus on narrow economic interests, his work on development has bridged divides across the globe.


Welcome: Professor Nils Goldschmidt, Chairman of the Board of the Alliance for the Social Market Economy

Introductory Remarks: Dr. Emily Margarethe Haber, German Ambassador to the United States

Laudatio: Professor Nils Goldschmidt

Award Ceremony

Ceremonial Address: Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs “The Social Market Economy in the 21st Century”

Concluding Remarks